Ms. Gunther's Pre-K 4's Page

Welcome to 1/2 Day and Full Day Pre-K 4 with Ms. Gunther! I'm so excited to be with you this year as you continue to learn and grow. In preschool we work hard, though our form of work might look like play to everyone else. While we play, we are working on our social/ emotional development, language, math, science, social studies, and religion! Along with playing, we also spend time creating with paints, crayons, markers, paper, and glue. Playing is hard work in preschool! 


September Scholastic Book Order

Today, the order was placed for those who ordered from the Scholastic Book Club. When the books arrive we will place them into your child's backpack right away. 
If at any point you want to order books and have them be a surprise, please let me know ahead of time so I can package it differently, or hand it off to you when they aren't looking. 
The October flyers will go out the 1st day of October and the due date will be Friday Oct. 8th. Orders can be placed on-line and via the flyers (payment via check- no cash allowed). 
Thank you for ordering and helping bring books into our classroom at the same time. 

UPP Raffle Ticket Update!

We have surpassed our goal of 150 raffle tickets sold! This week we had our movie theater day, and the last Friday in May will be our Superhero Day! 
More information will come out closer to May 28th. If you want to plan in advance, children will be able to come dressed up as their favorite superhero, or simply have a cape, or t-shirt with their favorite superhero, or create their own. We will be discussing all these options in the classroom, so everyone feels included. 
Most importantly, we want to say "THANK YOU" to all our families who sold the raffle tickets so we can partake in these fun specialized days! Each one has been more exciting than the last and we will definitely make sure Superhero day is one to remember!

UPP Raffle Ticket Update!

This Wednesday, we had our 1st UPP incentive for selling over 50 tickets! The children loved their popsicles and what made the day even sweeter was finding out that we passed the next level! As of the last update given, the class has sold 110 tickets! This means we get to have our MOVIE THEATER DAY! This will happen later in April. Now we are only 40 tickets away from getting our ultimate incentive, SUPERHERO DAY! Please help us reach our goal, and thank you to everyone who as already helped get us this far!

UPP Raffle!
Our new addition to our classroom is our UPP Raffle Ticket Poster! The children were excited to see what it was about. We discussed that together our families can help us reach our goals. When we reach our 1st goal, we will have a popsicle day. To make it even more exciting, I have a few extra things in store for them when we reach our 1st goal. After reaching Popsicle Day our class will try to reach our 2nd goal...Movie Day! Our class will vote on which movie to watch! Just like Popsicle Day, I have a few other surprises in store for them, that they will find out about on that day! Finally, our main goal, to have all the raffle tickets sold for our classroom (10 tickets per family), we will have...SUPERHERO DAY! The children in our class will be able to dress up as their favorite superhero, whether it's from a comic book, real-life (doctors, nurses, firemen, police officers, etc.) or a made up one.  Our class will then participate in various activities in the classroom to show off their superhero "powers"! 
So, please help us reach our goals by selling as many UPP Raffle Tickets as you can! When we get updated counts of our totals, we will update the blog with a new picture of our poster, as the thermometer temperature  increases. 

Valentine’s Day Cards..

We are officially able to have the children bring in Valentines to pass out to friends. No candy is allowed. If your child is making cards at home please don’t have them write their friends names, only their own. I will send out a letter tomorrow as well, as we just received the official okay. I apologize for the uncertainty, the cards should be brought in no later than Monday, February 8th so they can be quarantined in the room before distribution on Thursday, February 11th. 

Also, please note that Feb. 11th is a 1/2 day for all students & there is no school on Feb. 12th or on Monday, Feb. 15. 

Our Student of the Week is John. His favorite color is orange. When he grows up he wants to become a firefighter, so he can help people! Thank you John for telling us all about you!
Next week: Liam 

Progress Reports-

Today, the children received their progress reports as well as the information on their letter and number recognition. With your help at home and the work done in school, I have no doubt in my mind that your child will continue to improve and prepare for their kindergarten year! I look forward to seeing every child progress especially when we return from break. 

** Also, some of the 1/2 day children may have received the wrong progress report. Please send back the incorrect report, as there was an error made during distribution into the mailboxes and you will receive the correct one Thursday. We apologize for the mix up, and thank you for your understanding during this hectic but fun week!