Annie Gunther » Preschool Monthly Topics

Preschool Monthly Topics

Here you will find the topics we will be covering every month (updated as we begin new theme units).
Our curriculum is called D. I. G. by Abrams Learning Trends which stands for Develop. Inspire. Grow.
At the beginning of each new unit you will receive a copy of a 4 week theme calendar as well as a weekly parent letter to tell you about the information we will be covering. With this information you can engage with your child in regards to what they are learning and review with them. So not only will the information be sent home, I will post the break down of each theme unit in a Monthly Post. There are 8 themes in total that will take us through the school year.  
D.I.G. Themes
1) At School
2) All About Me
3) Our Community
4) Health and Nutrition
5) The Earth, Our Home
6) Living Things
7) Science is Everywhere
8)Technology in Our World
Religion Series: Seeds by Pflaum Publishing Group. This series provides hands-on activities for the children to experience the Gospel, along with family activities to participate in at home.