Extended Day
The purpose of our program is to provide a safe, wholesome, caring environment before and after school hours. The Extended Day Program is conducted in an atmosphere where Christian values are foremost and the social, physical, and personal needs of each child are nurtured. It provides professional care, supervision, recreation and enrichment activities for your child. This program provides children the opportunity to experience activities that complement the philosophy and values of our school and parish community.
Hours of Service
The Program is available from 7:00 to 7:55 a.m. and from 3:10 to 6:00 p.m. on full days of school. On Tuesdays, Extended Day is available from 2:10 to 6:00 p.m. On a day when there is a weather emergency or other school emergency, which causes school to be cancelled, that will also result in canceling the Extended Day Program. If you need to contact the Extended Day Program during Program Hours please call: 773-499-1334.
Morning session-- $8.00 per child (Siblings: $2.00)
Afternoon session-- $8.00 per child per hour (Siblings: $2.00 per child per hour)
Fees will be billed in FACTS. Cash will not be accepted. Bills are sent out monthly for the previous month’s care. Please make payment promptly. EDP service fees must be kept current in order to utilize the Program.
It is important to pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. A staff member will stay with your child until a parent arrives; however, the parent will be assessed an additional $8.00 for every 15 minutes or any part of a 15 minute period that a parent is late picking up a child.