Annie Gunther » Posts


A huge thank you to all our families and friends who helped us reach our class goal of selling 150 tickets and even surpassing it! 
Superhero Day will take place on Friday, May 17th. Students may wear a costume if they choose, no accessories or fancy shoes please, as we will be testing our superhero agility. I have a variety of games, activities, and fun planned! This day is probably one of the best and I have no doubt this will be another one to remember. 
If you are virtus certified and are interested in joining in on the fun, I can have a few parents assist. This is by no means necessary and only if you are interested. Added plus if you also want to come dressed up. 
I have all games and prizes etc. taken care of, but sometimes more hands on deck equals more fun. 
Again, thank you everyone for helping us reach and surpass our goal! We certainly couldn't have done it without you! We are truly blessed. 
-Ms. Gunther