Ms. Gunther's Pre-K 4's Page

Welcome to 1/2 Day and Full Day Pre-K 4 with Ms. Gunther! I'm so excited to be with you this year as you continue to learn and grow. In preschool we work hard, though our form of work might look like play to everyone else. While we play, we are working on our social/ emotional development, language, math, science, social studies, and religion! Along with playing, we also spend time creating with paints, crayons, markers, paper, and glue. Playing is hard work in preschool! 


To commemorate Veterans Day our students will be participating in 2 activities with the whole school. 
1) Students will have the opportunity to purchase a small United States flag for $1. I will collect the money from the students and coordinate with their Faith Partners to arrange a time on Wednesday the 9th or Thursday the 10th to plant the flags along the sidewalks on Ionia/Keene.
All proceeds from the purchase of the flags will be donated to the VA as a sign of our gratitude. 
2) Our classroom will decorate our hallway with red, white, and blue stars. We would love to include some information about beloved Veterans. If you know someone who has served in the military, please provide your child with the following information: when they served, where they were stationed, anything unique to their service, including accolades and P.O.W. service. 
This weeks Student of the Week, is really good a building with blocks, loves going to the park, and playing with his toys. One place he would love to visit is Jackson Hole, Wyoming and when he grows up he wants to be Dump Truck Driver! We loved learning all about him! 
Student Council representatives Anna and Morgan came by to tell us about this years Awareness Walk Fundraiser! 
Last year we raised money for Breast Cancer Awareness, this time we are raising money for the American Red Cross to help those who were impacted by Hurricane Ian. 
Money will be collected starting now till the day of the walk which is currently TBD. 
On the day of the walk the children are encouraged to wear red.
Thank you for helping us raise both awareness and money. 
Student of the Week for 10/17-21 wants to be a racecar driver when he grows up! He enjoys playing with his cousins and is really good catching frogs, and building legos! 
Thank you so much for telling us all about you! 
This weeks Student of the Week, told us about his family, and his two older brothers along with his dog Rocky! Then with a big smile on his face he is really good at riding his two wheel bike, and when he grows up he wants to  be a taxi driver. Thank you for telling us all about you!
Picture Day is Tomorrow! 
We will do our best to stay mess free tomorrow to keep their picture day clothes nice and clean!
Our first Student of the Week! She loves reading books with Mommy, playing with her cousins, and one day would like to Supergirl! We loved learning about this weeks Student of the Week!
*Student of the Week is in alphabetical order by first name, and a poster is sent home the week prior. 
This morning, Ms. Jena lead us in a beautiful Blessing of the Pets in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. We learned about St. Francis and his life as well as how when he spoke of God, the animals listened. A few more photos can be found in the photo album titled Blessing of the Pets. 
On Tuesday 9/27 we had our first severe weather drill. The children were at P.E. when it took place. However, during our morning meeting we talked about what we should do, and how we need to cover our heads and stay as quiet as possible to hear the teachers. They did a fantastic job! I was so impressed as were Mrs. Hermes & Mrs. Divane, Mrs. Carlson and the upper grade teachers. After the drill was over Mrs. Carlson went to the gym to tell the children herself how impressed she was and what a wonderful job they did.  

Posting pictures on the Blog

This weekend I will be posting pictures that were taken thus far in the school year. The office told me that there was a google form in the beginning of the school year asking about taking pictures/posting. If you do not want to have your child's picture posted online on our blog, please let me know and I will not post your child. 
Any and all pictures taken of your child will be given to them at the end of the year in their memory books. Some will be laminated as I will hang them up throughout the year, and some will be on a memory book page, and others will just be added to the front pocket of the memory book binder. 
Again if you do not want your child's picture posted to our blog please let me know asap. I will also send this note home in tomorrows folder (Wednesday). 
I can't wait to show you what we have been up to!

Scholastic Book Fair 10/11-10/14

The scholastic book flyers will not go home for the month of October because QASPA is hosting a QAS Book Fair! The schedule hasn't been released yet for when preschool will get to attend, but we are included. Please check out the attached flyer which was posted in the RED Folder for the details. 
-Thank you in advance for supporting our school. 

Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis

Dear Parents, 

Tuesday, Oct. 4th is the Feast of St. Francis. To celebrate, we are going to have our own “Blessing of the Pets”. Each child is allowed to bring ONE SMALL stuffed animal to school on Monday. Weather permitting we will go out by his statue on the playground and say the prayer of St. Francis along with a blessing for the animals. 

Thank you, 

Ms. Gunther


Please,  make sure if your child is wearing a dress to school that they have a pair of shorts on underneath. We have had multiple discussions now on keeping our dresses down, but somehow they keep getting lifted by the child. 
Thank you so much for assisting us with this matter. 
-Ms. Gunther

The orders for the Book Club has been submitted on Saturday. The order should get here within 10 business days, once it is done being processed. When the order arrives I will put your books in a bag and put them straight into you child's backpack, unless it's a big order then I will hand the bag to you at drop off or pickup.
Thank you so much for placing an order and helping our class get new books for our classroom library. 
Book Club Flyers are sent home every month, and there are always more options online.  Check out the page on our blog titled Scholastic Book Club for the link and our class Id for ordering. 
-Ms. Gunther