Emily Carlson » Catechetical Sunday address

Catechetical Sunday address

Good morning.

 My name is Emily Carlson, and I am your school principal. Whether or not you have children that currently attend Queen of All Saints School, as parishioners, I am your principal. As faith leader of the school, I work not only with the teachers on staff, but I am also a partner with the parish to support a shared mission. Our students’ faith life is rooted in the parish, and it is our honor and great responsibility at the school to continue to nurture it so that they continue to grow in their faith. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parishioners, for supporting the good work we do at the school. Our school is strengthened by the parish, and the parish is strengthened by the school, as ultimately, the future of the Church is sitting in our classrooms. Please pray for us: for the devoted Queen of All Saints teachers who are mission-driven and committed to educating the minds, hearts and spirits of their students. And most importantly, pray for the continued spiritual growth of all of our children.  Thank you.