Sixth Grade

Course Description

Sixth graders are exploring Positive/Negative Space by recreating Rene' Magritte's work, Decalomania


How to draw a Hot Air Balloon
Let's fly away to somewhere without Coronavirus!
Printer paper will work fine for this activity 
Child should draw in pencil and then go over their drawing with a sharpie
Erase any extra pencil marks
Color in image with crayons or color pencil
Reassure child their creation doesn't have to look like the original

Art Museums with Virtual Tours: Visit from Home!

Send your child on a virtual field trip to an art museum!
Metropolitan Museum of Art: 2 minute visit set to music
Musee Du Louvre: 30 minute segment set to music. Get closer looks at specific pieces. Virtual Reality Mona Lisa!
Museum of Modern Art: Audio talks on collections and exhibits
Natural Gallery London: Virtual tours of gallery rooms and paintings 
Art Institute of Chicago: El Greco- video and audio tour and interactive features
Van Gogh Museum: Interactive experiences for children
Dali Museum: Virtual reality (may require an app download)
Guggenheim: Video tours of exhibits
The Frick Museum: Virtual tours of the galleries
Tate Modern: Audio talks on exhibits and children's activities
Most art museums have their collections online and children can explore and draw what they like.

Marble Art
This is an easy low-mess art activity kids can do inside or outside. Its an action art activity- great for active kids who may be bored by sitting to make art.
All you need is a box, paper, paint and marbles or small rubber balls
Place paper in the base of the box.
Dip marbles into paint, place inside box and roll
Try mixing different colors or use cool or warm colors only.
After painting has dried, you have a great abstract piece or cut paper into shapes such as Easter eggs, hearts or flowers...
100 Silly Drawing Prompts
Your child can draw one every day- try mixing up the materials they use to draw the prompts- also, ask them to draw with their non-dominant hand, have them start drawing and sibling complete it, close their eyes and draw, try drawing but not using their hands!
Easy make your own sketchbook directions-
Children can be given a blank cover to decorate as well- cardstock paper, wrapping paper or brown paper bag would work well.

Art At Home

Easy, no mess art materials for home:
Crayola Model Magic
Watercolor paints and watercolor paper (Canson is the brand I use at school)
Watercolor brush pens
Crayola construction paper shapes
Do A Dot Art Dot Markers 
Sargent Art Tempera Paint Sticks
Self adhesive foam shapes, craft gems, googly eyes, pom poms
The Original Buddha Board (Amazon)
Wikki Stix
Blank comic book page printables 
Pipe Cleaners 
Paper rolls- white or brown craft 
Printable art pages 
(several printables of artists and paintings we have studied:
Magritte, O'Keeffe, Van Gogh, Mondrian, etc)
These items are all available on Amazon
If you venture out, most can be found at Target or Michaels/JoAnn Fabrics

Queen Of All Saints was asked to create an art piece for
Alderman Samantha Nugent's 39th Ward's office. 
Six classrooms participated in the making of a series of black, white and gray 8x10 abstract pieces.  
We are extremely honored to represent QAS!
Look for our masterpiece when you visit her office.

Positive/Negative Space

Students in Kindergarten to Eighth grades are studying
Positive/Negative Space
They will be exploring the concept through various art projects, two of which pay homage to Keith Haring and Rene Magritte
Projects will incorporate water color and tempera paint, oil pastels and even vintage photographs

Georgia O'Keeffe Unit

Students in K-8 are learning about Georgia O'Keeffe. 
We are starting off with a genuine cow skull in the classroom (Thanks Ebay)
and playing "Roll A Georgia O"Keeffe Cow Skull" drawing game with partners.