6th Grade ELA


Student Appreciation Day!!!

Tomorrow is Student Appreciation Day!  Students will be having a movie in the afternoon.  They may bring a small snack to eat during the movie.  Please be aware we have a peanut allergy in the room.  
At the end of the day the kids will be going to the school carnival!


Tomorrow is Spirit Day and hot lunch!
Religion- 203
Compile a list of 5 modern day plagues


ELA test Thursday, January 16th
Sign and return music tests
Sign and return AR notices- not all students received one
Spirit Day Friday with special lunch


6th grade has mass tomorrow morning at 8:30.  
Aspire math test Wednesday 
English test this Thursday 1/16
Aspire reading test Friday 1/17

Frayer Vocabulary Worksheet

Students will complete the 4 or 5 boxes associated with the words chosen for the story The Old Man of the Sea.

Feed My Starving Children

Please arrive to FMSC by 8:45 AM for check in with a QAS rep.

Christmas Story Homework

Students wrote the outline in class  to their final narrative story.  The story is about Christmas.  It is to be written in the third person.  The final rough draft will be between 5-8 pages.  The draft is due in class on Thursday. 
Students are asked to begin the assignment tonight.  They will have a 20 minute period to write and check in with me tomorrow. 
Write on the front of the page
Skip Lines
Show emotion
Include conversations