Religion Assignments

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Create a nice paper with your favorite bible quote in Google Classroom

Create a nice paper with your favorite bible quote

go to Canvas
decide which template to use
choose your favorite bible quote
write a prayer 
something beautiful to display at school and promote the love of God.


Quizlet for test in Google Classroom

Quizlet for test


Work for 3/6/2023 in Google Classroom

Work for 3/6/2023

Please read the following articles and write a 3 paragraph essay putting all your thoughts together. Tell me what you learned from those articles. 


Study Guide Chapter 8  in Google Classroom

Study Guide Chapter 8


Chapter 8 : An Enslaved People Note taking in Google Classroom

Chapter 8 : An Enslaved People Note taking

Please attach your document here


Ordinary time Study guide in Google Classroom

Ordinary time Study guide


Games for Ordinary time  in Google Classroom

Games for Ordinary time


Quizlet for Ordinary time  in Google Classroom

Quizlet for Ordinary time


Notes for chapter in Google Classroom

Notes for chapter

Please attach 


Practice game for chapter 8  in Google Classroom

Practice game for chapter 8


Liturgial Year Project in Google Classroom

Liturgial Year Project

- Slide 1- TITLE SLIDE "Liturgical year"
- Slide 2- Advent- What is advent?
Include a Picture and a reflection. Also, tell what color does the priest wear during advent?
- Slide 3- Christmas. (Follow the same information above)
- Slide 4- Lent
- Slide 5- Triduum
- Slide 6- Easter
- Slide 7- Ordinary time.

Your reflections are personal. Reflect on how can you prepare yourself for that season. 
Do not forget that the day you are presenting you will be sharing your reflection. 


Share to Google Classroom in Google Classroom

Share to Google Classroom


5 ways to make prayer a priority  in Google Classroom

5 ways to make prayer a priority

5 Ways to Help Families Make Prayer a Priority

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The hectic pace of family life can often mean that prayer gets lost in the shuffle. Here are five simple, practical tips to encourage families to pray more often:1. When you rise from bed, get down on your knees
Try this method for morning prayer: Put your bedroom slippers or shoes far under your bed at the end of the day. Each morning, while on your knees retrieving your footwear, say a quick prayer offering the whole day to God.2. Communicate with God whenever you climb into the car
Many families spend a whole lot of their time in the family vehicle. As you buckle up, say a quick prayer that you will be aware of God’s presence in your day.3. Place a prayer jar in the kitchen
Keep a jar in the kitchen in which each family member, each day, places a note listing a “special intention” that others in the family can pray for. Before each family member goes to bed, he or she pulls a note from the jar and prays for that need.4. Fold your hands before you unfold your napkin
Before each meal, take a few moments to thank the One who provides all that you need and blesses you with the lives of those around the table. Try mixing up rote prayers with spontaneous prayers, silent prayers with sung prayers.5. Pray when people or events upset you
If you want a sure-fire way to pray more each day, make a habit of saying a short prayer whenever someone irritates you. A quick “Help me, God” is sufficient. You’ll never run out of opportunities!

****Write a 3 paragraph  google doc summarizing**** 


Study aid and game in Google Classroom

Study aid and game


Study guide  in Google Classroom

Study guide


September 29- Saint Michael the Archangel in Google Classroom

September 29- Saint Michael the Archangel

Create 5 google slides about Saint Michael
Include fun facts and pictures
In the slide # 6 you need to include bibliography 


Quizlet for Chapter 1 in Google Classroom

Quizlet for Chapter 1


UNIT 1: Gods Revelation  in Google Classroom

UNIT 1: Gods Revelation

In a Google Doc, Type the highlighted parts from your book. You can do any font but it has to be size 14. 
Please remember to include the title in the middle. 
This document is due the day we finish the lesson. 
Thank you